Artículos etiquetados como: Adenocarcinoma
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Llumiguano, Carlos*^, Arregui, Elena**^, Borrás, José Maria*^, Villa, José Carlos***^, Gonzalez, Lucia****^
*Neurosurgery Department
**Radiation Oncology Department
*** Medical Oncology Department
**** Pathological Anatomy Department
^Neuro-oncology Committee
University General Hospital of Ciudad Real, Spain
Dr. Llumiguano, Carlos M.D., Ph.D.
Neurosurgery Department
Universitiy General Hospital of Ciudad Real
C/l Obispo Rafael Torrija
13005 Ciudad Real – Spain
Background context
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) have contributedgreatly tothe ability to identifymetastasesinhead and neckcancer. However the deficienciesin the assessment oflymphadenopathystill exist. On the other hand, in cancer disease the subcutaneous tissue involvement by metastasis is a rare phenomenon, especially the …